Village Facebook Page





Reach, or as it was previously known Reche, has been inhabited for over 2,000 years. If you want to know more about its history please click on the link. There was a census in 2001 showing a population of 365 people.

This website has been constructed to provide a service to residents and anyone who wishes to visit our lovely village. If you have any thoughts on the contents or suggestions regarding additions or presentation then please contact us.

If you'd like to have a very Basic Map of where things are located in the village then please click on the link. 

We are also very grateful to Nick Acklam, who together with Steve Boreham, has produced an Inventory of Trees for which the Parish Council is responsible.

Reach now has a Nature Recovery Plan which is underpinned by a Biodiversity Assessment commissioned by the Parish Council to support the recently adopted Neighbourhood Plan.