Jo Riches had suggested that Reach was daffodil deficient compared to local villages so she organised (wonderfully!) a Daffodil (and other bulbs/plants to add colour from January to April) Planting Day which took place on Sunday 25th October 2009. Over 50 villagers attended and carried out the planting which took just over three hours to complete.

The bulbs/planted planted were;


Crocus Blue Pearl
Daffodil Juanita
Daffodil Dutch Master
Small Daffodil Obvallaris

Some pictures taken during the day . . . . .

Planting under the tree on the Green which was planted itself in 1935 to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of George V
Lily Steed doing her bit
Clare and Barrie Snaith plus daughter Maisie planting outside 24 Great Lane with Delph End cottage in the background
Planting on the Hythe
On the Green now - the normal mixture of workers, watchers and chatters . . . .
Parish Council Chairman Ross Clark never misses a photo opportunity. Parish Clerk David Parr assumes his customary position . . . .
Clare Snaith (left) wheelbarrows her exhausted daughter Maisie to the amusement of Emma Mitchell
Rob Steed with helpers on the other side of the Green
David Blocksage takes centre stage
Liz Tabecki with daughter Kasia and Claire Halpin-McDonald
The Little Windmillers get stuck in . . . . and below
And the following year we could see the results of our endeavours . . . .