Reach Parish Council is made up of seven councillors - and a Parish Clerk.

Currently we have the following councillors, listed aphabetically:

Edward Hall (Chair)

Vacancy (Vice Chair)

Nick Acklam (Councillor)

Hilary Fielding (Councillor)

Rowan Foster-Marian (Councillor)

Catherine Gibson (Councillor)

Tim Quilter (Councillor)

Vacancy (Councillor)

Should there be a vacancy and you are interested in being co-opted onto the Parish Council please get in touch with the Clerk - Susan Bailey - 743794 or clerk[at]

Parish Council Meetings generally take place on the first Tuesday of each month, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm - the Agenda for the next Parish Council Meeting can be downloaded, one week before the meeting - just click here and go to the relevant folder.

You can also click on Minutes to see what has been previously discussed.

Every year there is also an Annual Parish Meeting.