



The Fair took place on the first May Bank Holiday which was Monday the 4th of May.

It started at midday with an opening ceremony on the Fair Green by the Mayor of Cambridge accompanied by the Aldermen in their full regalia and newly minted penny coins were scattered for the children.

We were very lucky with the weather, both Sunday and Tuesday it rained quite heavily but on the Monday the sun shone.

Pictures are below - if you have some of the day that you are proud of, please email them to me for inclusion.

1. As always, our Mayor and her entourage came along for the opening ceremony at midday which culminates with them throwing newly-minted pennies into the crowd
2. The Beer Tent was excellent - and very well managed by Banquet Inn
3. The village cake stall always does well - with many cakes baked by villagers. This year there was a "Pub Boys Bake-off" which was won by Ray Bateman and this activity will take place again next year - maybe pork pies?
4. The steam engine is always a centre of attention
5. Food stores aplenty - with FiredUp Pizza being one of the best attended
6. Lots of gentle rides for the small people . . . .
7. An gentle games too . . .
8. The Last Man Standing game was hugely popular - from JP Bouncy Castles
9. And for reasons that escape me - people like smashing things . . . .
10. The Prospects Trust at Snakehall Farm came along with Tilly the Tractor
11. The Dyke's End pub was a main attraction - as ever
12. And in front of the pub were the Morris people
13. The big wheel gave everyone an excellent view of the Fair
14. And the swings were loadsafun . . . .
15. Music was provided
16. Whilst the kids slid down the slide
17. People relaxed whenever and wherever the could - it was a super day with exceptional weather