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The Grant Fund is there to benefit the residents of Reach - the Parish Council are very keen to see it properly used for this purpose

What is it?
In February 2017 the Grant Fund replaced the Amenity Fund.  Every year all of the profit made from Reach Fair is put into the Grant Fund.

What is the money used for?
The Grant Fund provides financial support for community activities within Reach. The Grant Fund Application Form can be downloaded by clicking here and then opening the Grant Fund folder.

Who can apply?
Any Reach resident who has an idea about how the fund might be used to the benefit of Reach residents can apply for money. Applications can also be made by non-resident organisations if they benefit residents of the village or are closely associated with the village.

Your application must be submitted prior to any commitment being made by the applicant - and at least 15 days before the first Wednesday of the month before the funding is required (e.g. if the funds are required by August you should apply in June, at least 15 days before the first Wednesday in July) - click here to download the Application Form from the Grant Fund folder.

Funding for Events involving young and/or vulnerable people
Where the event is expected to include people under 18 or vulnerable people, the applicant must include a Safeguarding statement. This will usually be a statement that the event is for families and parents/carers will accompany and remain responsible for young and/or vulnerable people. If the event is specifically for the young and/or vulnerable people some or all of whom will not be accompanied by their parent/carer the Safeguarding statement will need to be more comprehensive.

Risk management and insurance
The applicant remains responsible for assessing the risks of any event and for ensuring that they have adequate insurance cover where appropriate.

How is an application made?
The application form should be completed in full and communicated to Susan Bailey, Parish Clerk, for consideration by the Parish Council.

Susan Bailey
29 Great Lane, Reach CB25 0JF
01638 743794 or clerk[at]

How are funding decisions made?
When an application is received, it is reviewed at the next Parish Council meeting* (usually the first Wednesday of every month).  Further clarification may be required from the applicant and then a decision made.

How will funds be paid?
Claims, with receipts, should be made in writing and communicated to the Parish Clerk. The Clerk will refer the claim to the next Parish Council meeting* for approval of payment.

* Requests for grants or payment must be included on the agenda which is sent out 7 days before a meeting. So they need to be with the Clerk at least 15 days before the meeting, otherwise they may not be considered until the following meeting.